I once had a dog named Django. Best friend I ever had. He was the original Damn Good Dog. When he was gone I was certain I’d never have another dog. No dog could ever be that great. And I couldn’t go through the agony of losing a dog. Never.

I’ll tell you now that my daughter Meegan has always been smarter, more intuitive, than me. She called me here at the restaurant one afternoon and asked if never, meant forever.

“Right, Meegs, forever. Never“

“Never, ever forever?”

“Right, Meegs, never, ever, forever!”

“For the rest of your life never ever forever?”

“Right, Meegs”

“OK Dad. I’ll call her back and tell her!”

“Tell who? What?”


Nancy was Django’s breeder.

“Baby. Why’d Nancy call?”

“She left a message. Django’s sister is going to have puppies and she just wanted to see if you were interested.”

“Meegs, I just don’t think I can love another dog like I loved Django.“

“Dad, you’re a Mets fan. Ya gotta believe!”

“And you have a name in mind?!”

“Yup. Tugg”

About five weeks later, I got a phone call at the restaurant. 7:00. Friday night. Full house. It was Nancy.

“Puppies are coming!”

I left Brad alone with a full grill and hightailed it to Nancy’s. I helped her deliver Tugg and four litter mates. Then one little girl got stuck. We packed up mom and the pups and drove through a March snowstorm to the vet’s where they delivered the remaining three by c-section.

I visited that litter of puppies nearly every day until one day Nancy put Tugg in my truck and sent us packing. Straight to Smith’s Orchard to share a donut. Then Agway to get some puppy stuff. Galway Market to meet the crew and then to my office where Tugg met Lucy. The German Shepherd snob fell in love.

Next, Meegan’s lacrosse game. Scotia-Glenville vs Queensbury. In Queensbury. Road trip! At half time both teams circled around Tugg and had some puppy love, until campus security kicked Tugg and me out of the park. No dogs!

We waited in the truck til the game ended, grabbed Meegs and headed home where Tugg terrorized the cat and fell asleep on the floor til morning. That was all in the first full day I got to spend with my boy. Every single day from there on, he found a way to bring joy into our lives. And mud. And love.

This past Friday we got devastating news about the irreparable condition of Tugg’s heart. He’s at peace. He’s running with Django and all the Damn Good Dogs that passed before him. I gotta believe this.

Obviously, everyone in his pack is crushed. This barn never felt emptier or colder. Truck rides aren’t fun right now. I’m well aware of how many people follow our social media, my Monday Mails, come here for dinner just to meet Tugg. He was a presence.

Thank you all for loving him. And thanks for understanding if the kitchen was a little slow this weekend.

Just like Tugg, our hearts are broken.

I’ll be forever grateful to Crossroads Center for Children for allowing Django and Tugg to visit the kids with me and with my nephew, Matthew. We all loved it there. I’ll be forever grateful I met Stephanie Todd and Keith Payton four dog lives ago. There aren’t better people, veterinarians, veterinary practices and staffs. I’ll be forever grateful for each person, dog or cat that loved Tugg, particularly my crew here who some days took more diligent care of him than I did.

We’ll pull it together and have a great week here. Cold weather, crackling fires and comfort food. We all need some.

Two of the greatest mandolin players on the planet, Matt Flinner and Joe K. Walsh, play here Thursday. Acoustic music lovers know that these guys are damn good players. Tugg’s niece, Ruby, promises to do the traditional post show meet ‘n greet to help fill the hole.

Drank the Gold is here for their 3rd Friday residency. This time, they’re dragging their pal, banjo master, Benny Bleu along for the ride. No songs about dogs please!!

Turns out, this was a long one. Thanks for sticking around…

Thanks for the read.

Pet the dog

Kiss the chef

Hug a farmer

Tip the band


(518) 882-6962